Next week, our speaker will be Karen Lanter, of the American Diabetes Association. We will hear more about detection and treatment of this serious and widespread disease, and information on where research for a cure is going. Diabetes Awareness is a major project of our Club, the Wisconsin Lions Foundation and Lions International. Chosen originally because of its serious effects on vision, Lions have broadened their efforts to help because, undetected, it can do a great deal of damage to large numbers of people. CHUCK BASFORD is the Program Host.
Lion President LINDA BERGREN opened the meeting by once again leading us in the singing of "America", with the usual disclaimer about the pitch. Our range of choices on the first few notes does seem to be getting better, but we miss ORV SHETNEY. "Bishop BOB" was absent from his see, (does that make BOB a "no-see-um?") and so TOM STEVENS ad-libbed appropriately in his place. TOM said, in part, "service to others is a way of feeding our spirits." Guests introduced were Lion PAT MORRIS of the Lake Wisconsin LC, wife of visiting District Governor BILL MORRIS, and Chris Wilz, soon to be a new member, and guest of DON NEVIASER.
DALE MUELLER circulated a sign-up sheet for serving as Greeter at our meetings. It's a good way to meet all your fellow Lions and help make our Club a friendly place to be, so volunteer for a spot before a future meeting. And be sure to remember the date for which you volunteered!
In further pursuit of our Diabetes Awareness service, CHUCK BASFORD is helping the Diabetes Association arrange and conduct two meetings in the Madison area next month, March 9th and 10th. The meetings are informational for volunteers and health professionals, and he needs space in which to hold them. Numbers around 100 attendees are expected - if you know of a location in this area that could handle such a group, let CHUCK know.
President LINDA reported a successful Holiday Treat (nuts/fruitcakes) Sale. Most of the money has been turned in - if you have some still outstanding please get it in to LINDA forthwith, or no later than fifthwith. Our service projects need the money!
JODI BURMESTER and the Program Committee have been working hard to line up interesting and informative programs. January 25, will be our own TOM STEVENS, telling us about his Friendship Force trip to Poland. (JODI had the first letter right, anyway. February will be devoted to government speakers on new developments and projects in our area - commuter rail, airport expansion (again), highway projects, general county growth. March is health and strength month. We are going to get a lot of useful information - be sure you are present to hear it, and bring friends, guests and prospective members.
JOHN JENSON is circulating a sign-up for the State Bowling Tournament. Apparently we were represented, sort of, in the recent District Bowling Tournament, but there was no report on results. HAL OTTERBACK, Lions Tale Publisher and Editor Emeritus, was back, and his comment, following years of reporting on the release of bowling tournaments results - "they never do!" At least in times past it was learned that nobody got hurt, but we don't even know that this time.
Past International Director PHIL INGWELL introduced our speaker, visiting District Governor BILL MORRIS. DG BILL noted the International President's slogan "Sharing Success Through Service," and went on to acquaint us with the big picture. There are 45,000 Lions Clubs worldwide, and thru LCIF the Lions have fought off river blindness for 50 million people in Africa, getting the cost of the medication down to $.22 per dose. Cataract surgery has restored sight to more millions. It takes a big organization to achieve results on that scale. Wisconsin's Multiple District is the 5th largest in the US, including 10 Districts each with its own District Governor. Our District 27-D1 includes 56 clubs in 7 counties (and although he didn't say so, he'll visit every one of them.) The District supports eyeglass recycling, diabetes, Dr. Gil's medical mission to the Phillippines, and the Missions to Mexico which take donated vehicles, medical equipment and school supplies to needy areas in Mexico, and also conduct vision screening and supply eyeglasses to those who need them. In addition to these larger projects, each Club serves its own community in various ways, as our own Club supplies free eye exams and glasses to needy students in the Madison area. He said part of his job was to shake up every club, so that they would consider new opportunities for service and new ways of doing things. He also praised CHUCK BASFORD and MICHELLE VETTERKIND for their work for the District. A timely message from a dedicated Lion.