Nest week, December 14, our speaker will be Lion STEVE KNAPP, WLF Director for our District. There's a lot going on at the Foundation, thru which our statewide service work is run, and STEVE will bring us up to date. As Lions, we have more to be proud of than just Lions Camp. JODI BURMESTER is Program Host.
Don't forget our Holiday Music program the following week, on December 21. President LINDA and OTTO FESTGE will present the East High Swing Choir. Always a lot of fun-bring your spouse, prospects and friends as guests that day.
DON NEVIASER stepped up with a pre-meeting raffle of some bottled goodies which he donated. LOUISE FRITZ did the drawing, and winners were DAN STOUDT and OTTO FESTGE, who got the good stuff, and WALT PRIDHAM, who got a bottle of O'Doul's. Something got left behind at the table, which no doubt some TT impersonator will find and return to the rightful owner next week.
At our last meeting, President LINDA led the pledge, OTTO FESTGE led "the prayer and the anthem" (to quote Winston Churchill out of context) "God Bless America" in memory of Pearl Harbor Day, and BOB BOHN gave the invocation, also appropriate to the day. It must be noted that "Bishop" BOB's ecclesiastical standing is in dispute. He archly complained about that title, and President LINDA said she'd nominated him for Archbishop. These promotions are not official until recognized in the BULLetin, and after today BOB will have to wait. Even if he did call the kettle red. Guests introduced were PDG HAROLD NAGLER and BOB GARTZKE from the Beaver Dam Lions Club by JIM SCHUTZ. They brought us some of their good citrus fruit. (BOB BOHN tried to return what he claimed was a grapefruit from last year. We think it was one of Tut AhnkAmen's slippers). Chris Wells, (of M&I Bank, tho you'd never know it from his introduction) was a guest of DON NEVIASER. Chris was considering membership when he came - hopefully he still is. At least he knows we don't take ourselves too seriously.
President LINDA deserves maximum credit. With very little to go on and almost no lead time, she pulled together an order for Holiday cakes and nuts, somehow located the fruitcake baker and got cakes here in about five days, and organized and distributed the merchandise. In the process she almost singlehandedly rescued one of our important fundraisers. About all that's left are a few almonds and pecans. Let's gobble those up. If you have a firm sale on something we're out of, give LINDA a call. Maybe she has another miracle or two up her sleeve. Many Lions even had money to turn in, which is greatly appreciated.
A discussion ensued on Club operations and procedures. The Board is seeking opinion from members on the time and frequency of meetings, the type of programs wanted, whether cost was a problem, whether business should be conducted at noon meetings, and whether membership classifications should be amended. (The present ones are about 40 years old.) A survey was taken (call LINDA if you'd like to fill one out) and we'll hear the results. We are also open to shifting fund-raising emphasis, and one possible new one was proposed, which had been found by ART TAGGART. It involves the creation of a Monopoly-type game for Madison, with board spaces sold by us to local businesses for advertising, and the game produced and marketed by a company called On Board. It has been successful in other communities, raising as much as $60-100,000. Appeared to be a first-class product in terms of design, printing and material, and would not duplicate other similar games which have appeared here earlier. Steve Kipe and the Edgewater helped out by accepting and storing the deliveries for us.
TOM GARVEY, member since 1985, passed away last week.
STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP,MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION: Publication Title: LIONS TALE. Publication Number 010-767. Filing Date: 12/08/04,issued Weekly except Bi-Weekly June,July and August issues annually. Price $12.00. Complete Mailing Address of known office of publication: 3730 Dawes St.Madison,WI 53714. Editor,Harold A.Otterback,(608)244-7905. Complete mailing address of General Business Office, same. Full name and complete mailing address of Publisher,Harold A. Otterback, 3730 Dawes St, Madison, WI 53714. Owner, Madison Central Lions Club, 3730 Dawes St, Madison,WI 53714. No Mortgagees or Security Holders. Madison Central Lions Club is a non-profit organization and its tax status has not changed in the past 12 months. Publication Title is the LIONS TALE: Issue date for circulation data is Dec. 1, 2004. The first figure for average number of copies per week for the past 12 months, second is for December 1, 2004 issue. Total number of copies,66 and 58. Paid or requested copies outside county, 7 and 7. Paid in-county subscriptions, 60 and 51. Total free distribution outside the mail,0 and 0.Total free distribution 0 and 0. Total distribution 66 and 58. Copies not distributed 0 and 0. Total 66 and 58. Percent paid or requested circulation: 100% Printed 12/01/04. Signature of Editor /s/ Dated 12/08/04. Editor certifies that all information is true and complete to the best of his knowledge.