Our first regular meeting of the new Lion year will be Tuesday, July 13. As Pogo used to say "Friday the 13th comes on Tuesday this month." (The Editor dates himself, and doesn't care.) JODI BURMESTER is the Program Host, and she will introduce George Dreckman, City of Madison Recycling Coordinator. He will tell us about the new system which is proposed for City of Madison trash collection. Considering that the last major change in the system was made by a guy named OTTO FESTGE (weekly collection, rather than biweekly), some changes may be in order, and Mr. Dreckman will try to convince us. No matter how good his new system may be, it couldn't handle the recently-retired TailTwister's jokes.
When the TT opened the microphone at the last meeting with a reference to his imminent retirement, he got the biggest hand he'd received all year. He also announced that he had made his goal of raising $1000, and he said where the money was going, but the Editor didn't get it all and needs to get it straight before it's published. It's more important than some candidate's selection of a running mate, and, besides, our journalistic standards are higher than the NY Post. Your editor still has a reprinted copy of the "Dewey Defeats Truman" gaffe, as an example of how not to do it. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
President DICK POMO began the meeting with a loud whack at the bell, JIM SCHUTZ led us in song, and PHIL INGWELL gave the invocation. We had one guest - Bill Swanson of TDS Metrocom, with CHUCK BASFORD. It should be pointed out that CHUCK has probably had more prospective members as guests in the past six months than the rest of the Club combined. He is showing us how to do it. As the Good Book says, "go thou and do likewise." Remember what prompted you to become a Lion, and how much satisfaction you've received from it, and try to convey those things to someone else who might be interested. There are infinite variations, but the basic message is always the same - "JUST ASK!"
CRAIG BUTLER is beginning the annual revision of the Club Directory. He will pass around a copy for corrections - make sure you re-read yours and make any necessary changes. If you have changes, and don't see the book at a meeting, by all means let CRAIG know.
President DICK ended his term with a short expression of thanks to the members of the Board of Directors and the Club in general for their help and efforts during his year. He said it made him feel good about being a member of Madison Central Lions Club. He also said "you don't have to see to feel the warmth" from the Club.
The new officers and directors were installed, and Pres. LINDA BERGREN shared her hopes and expectations for the next Lion year. She wants working committees, she wants the members to have more fun and to that end some special things are being planned, and she aims to keep the good programs coming. In that respect, if you know of someone who would give us a good program, by all means tell LINDA. There were also some comments about wanting the Lions jewelry and insignia catalog from Secretary JENSON, and maybe a blank check from Treasurer TAGGART. Sounds like a busy Lion year - let's everyone pitch in and help!
Lions Day at the Camp is Sunday, July 18. If you would like to go, let Secretary JOHN or TERRY SCHAR know. It's getting a bit late for lunch reservations, but something could probably be done. Cottage Grove LC is sending a bus, and there might be some seats available if you don't want to drive.
Service Club Olympics will have a bicycle event this year. Tell DON NEVIASER if you'd like to participate.
We have just heard that Lion E. GORDON YOUNG passed away yesterday. Funeral plans are pending. Lion JOHN EARLY is leaving us, because he's moving out of state. Both were long-time members, and we'll miss them.
Our July meetings will be July 13 and July 20, back-to-back. JIM BRADLEY is Host for July 20, and the program will be Sue Jones, Coordinator for the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission., speaking on "The State of the Waters."
Secretary JOHN JENSON has new Club stationery, if you need some.