Our next regular meeting will be Tuesday, June 29, at the Edgewater. We will install our officers for the next Lion year, and perhaps hear from the outgoing and/or incoming Presidents as well. Please be at the meeting to welcome the new leadership team, and to express our gratitude that the TailTwister is retiring. If he does it will be the first time in a year that he is retiring. Usually he's pretty forward.
Our sympathy is extended to DON NEVIASER and his family. DON's father, Dan, passed away last week. Under the circumstances the Summer Party which was scheduled for June 26 at DON and Leslie's has been cancelled. Maybe some other time.
A Directory correction: Melissa Abbott's new home address is 2807 Mickelson Pkwy. #201, Fitchburg, 53711. Home phone 469-1095. E-mail address maabbott@charter.net.
At the last meeting somebody donated a block of 10 Mallard tickets to the TT, and he auctioned them off. Slow start, but a fast finish, and we think CRAIG BUTLER was the "lucky" winner. It cost him $35.00, but we hear the Mallards have a pretty entertaining product.
LINDA BERGREN presided, in the absence of President DICK. No fair starting retirement early. At least he didn't carry out his threat to keep us in the dark at all the meetings during his year. If he had, BULLetins would have been even more terse and less informative - Editor has to see to take notes. OTTO FESTGE led us in song - "God Bless America", in memory of Pres. Ronald Reagan, and "Bishop" BOB BOHN gave the invocation.
MELISSA NOVINSKI says there is still about $700 to come in for Rose Day. That's all profit, Lions, and we need it (new Board, new bunch of big spenders) so GET YOUR MONEY IN. The credit card option will close momentarily, if it hasn't already, so cash and checks please, soon. If you still owe something, you know who you are. The committee is still being nice about it, but that rumble you hear is the black sedan warming up. Better pay up.
LINDA reported on the Golf Outing - a fun day, the usual bugs, a few cart detours and wayward shots. We understand dinner afterwards was at Tallard's, but nobody's talking.
JOHN JENSON apparently was drafted to introduce the speaker, which he did, commendably briefly. David Rowbotham is about the third generation of his family to be the distributor for the gum machines which are sponsored by our Club. The program has been operating since 1947, and has brought our Club $141,336.64 for our service activities. They started with the old round gum machines, giving one gum ball for a penny, and the last of those was retired in Jan. 1991. Newer machines have bigger product and, of course, higher prices. Our Club helps to find locations for these machines, and in return they carry a label designating them as sponsored by the Lions Club, and we get the commission income. There are now 331 machines in service for our Club, mostly taking quarters, and we received $3015.70 last year. David presented us with a check for $2167.24 at the meeting. We share the area with Madison West Lions, who have about 200 machines. New locations are always needed - if you find a spot where a machine might go, ask permission of the owner or manager, and call David Rowbotham at (262) 275-3389.
President LINDA and Vice Presidents MARK LARSON and CHUCK BASFORD will be setting up their administration shortly. This is your chance - if there's an aspect of our Club operation that interests you, let them know. We want working Lions on our committees - everything they do, from Greeting to Sight Conservation, is very important to our service. Talk to the officers and tell them where you'd like to serve. We always need program and fund-raising ideas, song leaders, invocators, BULLetin editors/reporters, greeters, eye bank transporters, eyeglass collectors and recyclers - the list goes on and on. Do your part. We'll get more done, and believe it or not, you'll feel better. When you hear these reports from the Mission to Mexico about glasses distributed, it's nice to say to yourself "I collected some of those!"
Lions Day at Lions Camp is July 18. If you're interested in going, talk to TERRY SCHAR.
Our Summer Meeting Schedule: June 29, July 13, July 20, August 3, August 17, August 31. Regular schedule resumes on September 14.