THERE IS NO MEETING NEXT TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2004. No BULLetin next week, either.
The Board of Directors has decided on the following summer meeting schedule:
- June 8 - Golf Outing. No noon meeting
- June 15 - Next regular noon meeting
- June 29 - Installation of officers
- July 13
- July 20
- August 3
- August 17
- August 31
- September 14 - Resume regular schedule
The Golf Outing will be held on Tuesday, June 8. Probably at Pleasant View Golf Course, dinner location to be decided. Call DON NEVIASER at 798-3657 to sign up and for all details.
Saturday, June 26, 4 PM. At DON & Leslie NEVIASER's , 3740 Sequoia Trail. First Annual Madison Central Lions Club Summer Picnic Party! 3.8 mi. west on Mineral Pt. Rd from the Beltline, turn left on Timber Lane, Left on Sequoia Trail, & left into first driveway. Bring: dish to pass, spouse/significant other (if applicable), good attitude, big smile, maybe sunscreen. Hosts will furnish: Chicken or Hamburgers, beer, wine & soda, plates, napkins, utensils, outdoor games and atmosphere. Rain date is the next day, Sunday. RSVP to 798-3657 with number attending and choice of chicken/burger. Sounds like the best invitation we've had all year! Be there, aloha!
It isn't our regular meeting, but it should be: Sunday, July 18, Open House at Lions Camp. If you haven't been there, or haven't been recently, you should go. There are a lot of new things to see. This is Lion service in action, at its best. It is sort of like the Lions USA-Canada Forum - everyone who goes returns saying "I'm glad I did that."
At our past meeting, the food line was set up in reverse, and if not for ALEX WONG's pathfinding we would have had a confused group. President DICK POMO was in good form, leading off with an ad-lib joke which got a bigger laugh than the TT. Involving golf, naturally. We enlisted the singing talents of our speaker, PDG GLEN SPRING, to lead the singing of "America." A baritone to set the pitch, finally! JERRY MILLER gave the invocation.
OTTO FESTGE was not with us, because he has a cold (wrecks his singing range) but he relayed some not-so-good news about ORV SHETNEY. ORV has had another stroke, and is confined to Tabor Hall at Oakwood while the docs medicate and the therapists exercise. You might try a phone call.
LINDA BERGEN displayed a copy of the "Rural Rambler", the local paper from Oxford, where she lives. A two-page section was completely devoted to Lionism, listing the area clubs, giving the history and objectives of Lionism and describing many Lion service projects. A tremendous boost for the clubs in that area, and a big frustration for those who have to put up with Madison newspapers. Guess we'll have to buy an ad in order to get our message out here.
DON NEVIASER confused everybody about the Golf Outing, but eventually part of the picture began to clear up. It will be Tuesday, June 8, probably at Pleasant View, and DON's looking for a place for dinner. Since we won't meet again before that date, just call DON if you want to play and/or eat. 798-3657.
GLEN SPRING, Past District Governor from Albany, was our speaker, introduced by JODI BURMESTER.. GLEN has participated in several Lion Missions to Mexico, and he showed pictures from the trips. The Lions usually drive donated vehicles - school buses, fire trucks, ambulances - and fill them with donated equipment, mostly medical, but including a big bag of stuffed animals for the kids and used school desks. The vehicles are left in Mexico, sometimes "forgotten." The pictures showed the Lions at work distributing the recycled eyeglasses that our Club and others collect, sort and package. They also graphically showed the unbelievable squalor in which some of the people there live. The need is very great, but Wisconsin Lions are doing what they can to help. They are able to give out 600-800 pairs of glasses a day - a very long day, with lines of people waiting in hopes of getting glasses. Many young students serve as interpreters, and GLEN says they are great to work with. He is the Dist. Coordinator for the Missions, which usually go in February and late September. They could always use more people - anyone interested in participating should contact GLEN at PO Box 375, Albany, WI 53502. Phone (608) 862-3336.