At our next meeting, Dr. TOM STEVENS will be the Program Host, and probably part of the program as well. He will introduce his colleague from the UW Health Dept. of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Dr. David Gamm, and we will hear of the progress being made in this crucially important area of eye care. Saving the sight of a child is an achievement that benefits someone for a whole lifetime, and the vision screenings that Lions do fit right in with the program.
At our last meeting, we began as usual with the TT's mike test, in which he proved that he reads the funnies (?) in the morning paper, at least. A little unusual to have a TT that can read, but.......... we are a diverse group. LINDA BERGREN was once again called upon to lead the song, and this time she insisted, successfully, on some kind of agreed pitch. LINDA does great work with limited talent, but, ORV and OTTO, please get well. We need your help. President DICK led the Pledge, and DALE MUELLER gave the invocation.
Guests introduced were Neil Conner from Felly's Flowers, our Rose Day supplier, and BILL STONE, now a Waukesha Lion but for years a member of our club. BILL was introduced by DAN STOUDT, who recalled what your editor remembers as one of the funniest moments in our Club history. DAN was the outgoing TailTwister and BILL the TT-elect, and they concocted a "transfer of power" ceremony along the lines of New Year's Eve. DAN had a robe, hood and scythe, and BILL showed up in a good approximation of minimum baby clothes. There wasn't as much of BILL then as there is now, but the overall design was similar, and the scene was something no one who was there will ever forget. That was the pinnacle of the TailTwister career for both of them. Some TailTwisters use the needle, some the harpoon.
We heard some bad news. Lion MARK LARSON became seriously ill on Monday and is hospitalized at UW Hospitals in serious condition. Details are lacking, but keep MARK in your thoughts and prayers.
President DICK POMO said that the Nomination Committee was at work, and urged all Lion members to consider serving as Club officers and Directors. Your editor can testify that it can be a satisfying and learning experience well worth the effort. If you have an interest, talk to DICK. Besides, he said (speaking for the committee), if you don't call us we may well call you.
DAN STOUDT, Co-Chairperson of the Rose Day Committee with MELISSA NOVINSKI, gave us a presentation on our upcoming flower sale. Delivery day is Monday, April 19, the first day of what is now called Administrative Professionals Week. The basic facts: Roses are $24.00 per dozen; a bouquet of 18 Carnations $18.00; and vases are $4.00. Key points: these are first-class flowers, long stemmed, freshly flown in from the growers and packaged especially for us. Delivery is free in the immediate Madison area. The distribution center this year will be the Community Room at Zimbrick Buick, Beltline & Fish Hatchery, between the new car showroom and the service entrance.
The mechanics: There are posters/flyers available for handout and/or display. Be sure to put your name and phone number prominently in the space provided. An information sheet from the Eye Bank is available to show where the profits go. We have the usual Order Forms, with the usual requests that they be filled out CAREFULLY and COMPLETELY. Make sure to give complete delivery instructions, particularly for deliveries to large buildings. If there are special instructions such as early or late or Tuesday delivery, mark them prominently. If the address is on a long street, give a landmark to help the driver find it. Cards are available to leave for an absent recipient if the flowers are left nearby, with a neighbor, receptionist, etc. COMPLETE, DETAILED DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS ARE VERY IMPORTANT! We want the flowers delivered to the right person at the right time, to keep our customers happy. If a credit card sale, make sure you get the number right and include the expiration date. Note that charges may not be posted immediately, especially on early sales, so check the expiration to be sure it isn't April.
DAN and CRAIG BUTLER demonstrated ways to sell roses. Be positive, stress that the buyer is helping us serve, point out guaranteed quality, delivery, and community benefit (Eye Bank microscope, Lions Camp, glasses & exams for needy) justify price. Use the poster/flyer and the info sheet. Ask those you buy from, and ask if you can put up posters in nearby businesses. Tell prospective buyers: Make someone happy - give flowers! And, at the same time, help others in the community.
SAL AL-ASHKAR is back, and asks if anyone has his old customer list - let him know. Maybe we can double-team some customers!