The aroma from a steaming cup of coffee is an appealing thought on a cold morning like this, and next week we get a chance at some with our lunch. The speaker will be George Krug, of the Ancora Coffee Roasters, and once again we are promised some samples to taste. LINDA BERGREN is the Program Host.
ACHTUNG!! The next meeting ( February 10) is also the one at which we would like to see our "infrequent attenders." All those who have not taken refuge in warm climates please come and join us. Let our newer members meet you, and reconnect with Lion fellowship and service.
Your second-string editor's memory got jogged the other day - there has been, we think, one second-generation member, JIM RUNDELL. His father TED preceded him. That was back in the days when a third of our membership had a work address on the Square.
Our last meeting began with the TailTwister's usual test of the microphone. Dog joke, fireman joke (older than dirt), and golf joke. Microphone worked, jokes didn't.
Vice President LINDA BERGREN presided in the absence of the Prez, who we understand is sunning himself on a beach somewhere. She drafted DON NEVIASER as song leader, and we did well under his direction. No end to the man's talent. TERRY SCHAR filled in with the invocation, to the consternation of "Bishop" BOHN, who couldn't find TERRY on his Committee list. Lots of cheap help these days. [Thanks, TERRY, for filling in for the Webmaster!]
In a rare use of his authority, the TaleTwister produced a "reserved" sign from our social last Thursday. Seemed the space was reserved for some guy named Stanley Morgan. The TT fined VP LINDA, so there must be some connection. VP LINDA commented that there were slugs in the brass lion again. She even named a suspect, but to avoid accusations of "yellow journalism", we won't name DON NEVIASER here.
Birthday Chairperson LuANNE PAEPKE directed the celebration of Lion Birthdays for PHIL INGWELL, 37 years; RICH MATZELLE, 33 years; and JODI BURMESTER, 10 years. PHIL is off somewhere. RICH very sensibly stayed warm on Hawai'i but didn't forget us. He sent a present that the TT auctioned off, knowing that it had to be something good. It was - he got a lot of money for it, and we all shared in the chocolate covered macadamia nuts. LINDA BERGREN won JODI's gift. . LuANN produced birthday cupcakes and most of us got a taste of those, too. She remarked that February was a month when there were few new members, and she's right. She wasn't here yet when we used to have October Membership Month, which, with a little slight-of-hand from the Secretary, stretched from Septober through Octovember. Things were a little thin for the next couple of months after that.
DAVE MIES forwarded a "thank you" note received by his Sight Conservation Committee, from a recipient of a needed eye exam and new glasses, which the person said were a big help. This is one of the main reasons we are Lions. DAVE has the best job in the club, because he's the one who gets the phone call from the school nurse "I've got a kid in my office crying. Their glasses got broken on the playground and her family can't afford replacement." A few phone calls, and DAVE can tell the nurse "have them go to Dr. X. and pick out new glasses. There will be no charge."
The TailTwister has the toughest job in the club, trying to keep the natives amused and restless, but not too restless. Our most recent TT, DON NEVIASER, talked a little bit about the job. Good points, if the TT is a relatively new member he or she gets to know everyone in a hurry, at the end of the term the TT can designate the charitable purpose to which the funds raised can be given, and the job is usually fun. From comments he and other former TTs made, our club is a little rough on our TailTwisters. Other clubs don't give their TTs as much flak, and there are more fines for "no pin" and other minor infractions. Somehow, RANDY JABLONIC's white sox got into the conversation. Apparently he was supposed to be fined some years back for wearing them to a meeting, and when he refused the incumbent TT confiscated them. We've had some legendary TTs over the years. BUSS COLVIN used to bring scripts for two-person jokes and then select Lions to read them. When the parties were supposedly attractive young women, BUSS would pick somebody like HENRY TURVILLE or DEAN JOHNSON to read them. It got so the members started laughing when BUSS stood up. BOB BOHN recounted some anecdotes from his term. He was given an unlimited time schedule and he exceeded it. Even a fine from TT DALE didn't stop him.