Madison Central Lions Club

2025 Roses Sale

Everyone loves receiving flowers. and it's especially gratifying when your flower purchase helps those in need in the Madison area and beyond.

Your flower order will be delivered on Monday, April 25th in conjunction with Administrative Professionals Day.

We are able to offer this special value only once a year, so take this opportunity to surprise and/or to recognize as many people as you can. Thank you for your generous support!

Lion Seller:
Purchaser Information:
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Delivery Information:
Deliver To:
Delivery Instructions:
Special Message::
1. @ $0.00
2. Mixed Flower Bouquet, price $25.00 each.@ $25.00
3. Dozen Mixed Color Roses, price $25.00 each.@ $25.00
4. Dozen Red Roses, price $25.00 each.@ $25.00

Satisfaction guaranteed. our supplier guarantees these flowers for 3 days after delivery. If there is a problem with your order, please contact the Madison Central Lions at within 3 days of delivery.